This article is for managing task roles at the recipe level. For creating recipe task roles, that's done at the recipe task level. To learn about creating and adding tasks, go to the recipe tasks roles task level article. To watch the overview video on how roles work in general, go to the about working with roles help article.
The purpose of task roles is so you can add a role, such as "Project Manager" or "Business Analyst" to multiple tasks. This becomes part of your recipe. When you create a project from the recipe, that project will have the roles all ready to use. Then you can assign a project team member to a role. When you do, Pie will automatically assign that member to ALL tasks with the same role. Very convenient for resource planning.
How to view and remove roles at the recipe level:
- Open a recipe in the recipe configuration page and click the people icon.
- Click the ROLES sub page tab.
- If there are any roles already assigned to tasks, it will list them here alphabetically.
- To remove a role from your recipe, click the "X" in the role bubble. This will remove that role from all tasks in the recipe that have been assigned to that role.
(NOTE: Removing a role from the recipe will not affect any projects using this recipe.)
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