The Project Budget time billing costs report pages provide information about planned work hours, billing rates and internal costs, time tracking data, current budget status, and a burn-up chart with future projection. This reports section is available only with the Enterprise Plan.
How-to Video
How to Access the Budget Reports
- Open your project (ensure you are on the Enterprise Plan)
- Click the "Reports" tab
- Select the sub-tabs Set Up Rates, Members, Daily Time, and Summary
- That's it. See the following for details on each page.
Set Up Rates Page
The Set Up Rates page displays your list of team members assigned to this project.
How to use:
- Enter the total planned work hours for the project for each individual. You can use the planned work "Effort Hours" column to help with estimating.
- Enter the Billing Rate and Internal rate for each team member. If the billing and internal rates are already pre-defined, they will populate automatically. However, you can type update the rates for this project. This will not affect the person's standard rates from their workspace profile. See the section below about managing the workspace profile rates.
To the right of the tabs, there's an import to CSV button to export this page. Also to the right of the tabs is the Visibility Permissions button to help you learn who has visibility to this report.
- Workspace Admins: Can see all content
- Project Admins: Can see all content
- Workspace Executive: The internal rates section is not visible, but all other content is visible
- Team Members: Can see only the Planned Hours column
Members Page
The Members page is where you can view the real time data as your team members enter their billing time on the project tasks or the project. They can enter their work time at the task level or at the project level and the Hours Billed column will display the cumulative time entered to date by each team member. All other column data are pulled and calculated from the Set Up Rates page.
- Workspace Admins: Can see all content
- Project Admins: Can see all content
- Workspace Executive: The internal rates section is not visible, but all other content is visible
- Team Members: Cannot see any of the rates columns
Daily Time Page
The Daily Time page displays real-time date from team members time entries. Each line is a time entry, so you could have multiple lines for a person on the same day if they entered time more than once during the day. You can sort the columns by clicking on the headers. You can export to a CSV file. Click the Visibility Permissions button to learn who can see what on this page.
- Workspace Admins: Can see all content
- Project Admins: Can see all content
- Workspace Executive: Can see all content
- Team Members: Can see all content
Summary Page
The Summary tab top section — displays the summary data for Project Planned Hours, Project Billings, and Planned Internal Costs with the people margins.
The Summary tab Billings Burn-Up Chart — displays a what is happening relative to the project's budget. The following explains each line on the chart.
- Total Budget — The top horizontal blue line represents the project's total budget based on the tasks' work effort and the team's billing rates.
- Vertical orange line — This is today's date.
- Two end gray horizontal lines — This shows the project's start and end dates.
- Cumulative Budget (Work Effort Hours) — This purpled dotted line represents the cumulative budget based on task work effort hours for each day.
- Actual Billings (Cumulative) — This shows the cumulative billings to date. This is based on members's logged work time multiplied by their hourly rates.
- Internal Costs (Cumulative) — This is the internal cost, which is based on the members's logged work time multiplied by their internal hourly rate.
- Projected Billings — This displays a future trend on what you can expect the actual billings will look like. This is based on past actual hours before today's date and future task projections. If the projection is higher than planned, the projection line will turn an orange/red color.
- Projected Internal Costs — This displays a future trend on what you can expect the internal costs will look like. This is based on past actual hours before today's date and future task projections. If the projection is higher than planned, the projection line will turn an orange/red color.
To watch a video for details, see the Project Reports — Billings Burn-Up Chart article.
- Team Members: Can see only the Planned Hours in the top section. They cannot see the chart.
- Project Admins: Rates excluded, unless they have permissions based on their workspace settings.
- Workspace Admins: Rates excluded, unless they have permissions based on their workspace settings.
- Workspace Executive: Rates excluded, unless they have permissions based on their workspace settings.
Setting a standard hourly rate for each team member
The Set Up Rates page will automatically pull in any pre-defined people billing and internal hourly rates. You can set up a person's billing and internal rate at the workspace level for that person. In doing so, the rates will auto propagate to the person's profile on a project. That rate will show up in the Set Up Rates page. You can override the project rates and that change will not affect the person's standard rate at the workspace level. If you want to update all future standard rates for that person, then update it at the workspace level.
Setting the people rates in the workspace:
- Go to the organization's workspace (Settings page) and open the people assignment view.
- Expand the person's bar.
- Enter the billing and internal rates.
Reviewing or updating the rates in the project:
- Go to the project's configuration page.
- Click to show the people assignment view.
- Expand the person's bar.
- If that person has rates already defined at the workspace level, it will be shown here.
- If you want to update the rates only for this project, then just change the rates.
Setting a standard hourly rate for each role
If you have set up role hourly billing rates AND if you have assigned project team members to the role with rates, the Set Up Rates page will automatically compare the individual's billing rate and compare it with the role rate and then display the larger of the two in the billing rate cell.
You can set up a role's billing rate at the workspace level for that role. In doing so, the rates will auto propagate to the role's rate on a project. You can override the role's project rate and that change will not affect the role's rate at the workspace level. If you want to update the role's future role rate, then update it at the workspace level.
Setting the role rates in the workspace:
- Go to the organization's workspace (Settings page) and open the people assignment view.
- Click the Role tab.
- Click on the role bubble and enter the role rate. The result will then display a green currency icon on the role bubble. This tells you the role now has a rate.
Reviewing or updating the rates in the project:
- Go to the project's configuration page.
- Click to show the people assignment view.
- Click the Roles tab to see the list of roles on the project.
- If the role rate is already defined at the workspace level, then it will display a currency icon.
- Click the role bubble to see and update the role rate for the project if needed. This will not affect the role's rate at the workspace level.
Setting the currency icon
The default currency icon is the Dollar, but you can change it to the Euro, Pound, or Yen. Only the Workspace Admin can change the icon.
- Go to the organization's workspace (Settings page) and open the people assignment view.
- Click on the Set Currency icon and change from the dropdown list of options.
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