As a member, you can remove yourself from most assignments.
- Remove self from Personal Tasks. If it's a personal task and it's not assigned to anyone else, then you would need to delete the task. If it has another persona assigned, then you can remove yourself by expanding your bar and clicking the remove button. It will then disappear from your list, but remain with the other person.
- Remove self from Project Tasks. Expand your person bar and click the remove button. If you're not the -project admin, you will instantly lose permissions for that task. You will then need to ask the admin to re-add you if needed.
- Remove self from Project. You can remove yourself from the project via the project's configuration page. Expand your user bar and click the remove button. Keep in mind that you will no longer see the project (unless you have the Executive workspace permission). You will then need to ask the admin to re-add you if needed. If you're the only project admin, you will not be able to remove yourself until you assign another admin.
- Remove self from Recipe. You can remove yourself from the recipe via the recipe's configuration page. Expand your user bar and click the remove button. If you're the only recipe admin, you will not be able to remove yourself until you assign another admin.
- Remove self from Workspace. Go to the Settings/Workspaces page and open the workspace to the people assignment view. Find and expand your bar and click remove and follow the instructions. If you're the only workspace admin, you will not be able to remove yourself until you assign another admin.
- Remove self from Organization. Go to the Settings/Workspaces page and open the organization bar to the people assignment view. Expand your bar and click remove. If you're the only organization admin, you will not be able to remove yourself until you assign another admin.
- Remove self from Pie. Oh no! Please no! If you really want to leave us, then see Cancel account help page.
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