Pie has an Atlassian Marketplace Pie connector that connects Pie with Jira. This integration is perfect for hybrid agile projects where your development team can use Jira, and the rest of the project team and stakeholders can use Pie. This feature will allow you to map your Pie sprint board columns with the Jira board columns. When you create and update a story in one, it updates the other. This feature is available only for the Triple Berry Enterprise Plan.
Step 1) What is the Pie Connector for Jira?
Watch the following super short video to learn about this connector and its benefits.
Video #1 — Short Introduction
Step 2) Install the Jira connector
Click here to get the Pie Connector for your Jira account at the Atlassian Marketplace.
Watch the following video to learn how to get the connector and connect to Pie.
Video #2 — How to Get the connector from the Atlassian Marketplace
Step 3) Connect your projects and learn how to use it
Watch the following video to learn how to connect your Pie project with your Jira project, and learn how to use the sync capabilities.
Video #3a — How to connect and use — create Jira project from Pie project
Video #3b — How to connect and use — create Pie project from Jira project
Key Features
The following features all work in real-time with two-say API synchronization. See the above #2 video for examples of how the following works.
- Connect a Pie project with an existing Jira (teams-managed) project or have Pie auto-create a new project in Jira.
- Map Pie board columns with Jira project board columns
- Map a Pie process box to be used for backlog story task to the Jira project backlog
- Map Pie project team members to their names in the Jira account for team activities
- Creating a story task in the Pie backlog box will auto-create it in Jira's backlog and vice versa
- Moving a story task from the Pie backlog to the Pie sprint board column will auto move it from the Jira backlog to the Jira board and vice versa
- Creating a task in the Pie sprint board will auto-create it in the Jira sprint board
- Adding descriptions or changing story titles of a story task in one tool will auto-update in the other tool
- Assigning a team member in Pie to a sprint story task will auto-assign that person to the same story item in Jira, providing that person is already a member of the Jira project
- Assigning a team member to the Jira item auto-assigns them to the same task in Pie, again assuming they are a member of both tool projects
- Adding a Pie text tag to a task will sync and create a label on the Jira story (and visa versa). A common use of tags/labels is to keep track of Epics if you are managing more than one Epic in a project. When creating a text tag in the Pie task, it cannot have spaces since Jira labels are not allowed to have spaces.
- Dragging and dropping the story item from one sprint column to another one in Jira will auto move it in Pie in real-time likewise, moving it in Pie will move it in Jira
- Marking a sprint completed in Jira will auto mark that same sprint in Pie as completed and auto move completed tasks to the Pie Done Sprints slice
- This Jira sync works with only Team-Managed Jira projects. It will not connect with Company-Managed Jira projects.
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