An "Organization" is a place to contain workspaces and their projects, recipes, and team members. The Organization Admin permissions person is the individual who has permissions to manage an organization. Click here to learn more about the organization admin permission.
You can set up one or multiple organizations (2 free and as many as you like with premium) in your Pie account and each organization has its own set of workspaces, projects, and billing. They are all independent of each other and nothing can be shared between them. The benefit is you can have different billing payments for different organizations, all under the same login.
How-To Video: Organizations and Workspaces
How to create an Organization?
See above video for a walk through.
- Click your avatar in the upper left corner and then click Workspaces.
- On the Workspace page, click the Create Organization button.
- Click FINISH at the bottom.
- A new organization bar is created.
- Once created you will need to create a workspace under the organization. Workspaces are needed to contain projects and recipes.
- If you have more than one organization, you can reorder them on the page with drag and drop.
- When you create an organization, you automatically are assigned to the Organization Admin permission. You can learn more from this org admin article about adding other Organization Admins to your organization.
How to change the name of the Organization
- Click your avatar in the upper left corner and then click Workspaces.
- Hover over the organization bar and click the description icon to expand the bar.
- Change the name of the organization and submit.
How to create workspaces in an Organization?
- Expand an organization bar.
- Click the Create Workspaces button and give your workspace a name and hit enter to submit it.
- With the free plan, you can create up to two workspaces under an organization. If you want more workspaces, you will need to upgrade to the Pro plan.
How to add team members under an Organization?
- Do not add team members to the organization bar. That is only for the organization admins.
- For project team members, add them to the workspace bars under the organization bar.
- See this help article for adding team members to workspaces.
Who can edit an Organization?
- The person who creates an Organization is automatically assigned as the Organization Admin.
- Only the Organization Admin can edit an organization.
- When an organization is created, the person creating it is its Organization Admin by default.
- An Organization Admin can assign other admins to an organization. In doing so, they will share equal powers. It is recommended to have at least two Organization Admins for in case one is not available or other safety reasons.
- IMPORTANT - Be sure not to assign team members in the organization bar people assignment view. This is only for the organization admin permission. For normal team members, assign them to the workspace people assignment view.
- An Organization Admin can remove themselves from an organization if there are more than one admins assigned to that organization.
- An Organization Admin can assign themselves to any workspace under the organization.
How can an Organization Admin edit an Organization?
- Go to the Settings/Workspaces page and click on an organization bar.
- To the right are the description, people assignment, billing and delete buttons.
- Click the description button to enter a description or manage timesheet tags.
- Click the people assignment icon to add or remove other Organization Admins.
- Click the BILLING button to go the the billing page.
- Click the trash can icon to delete an organization.
What permissions does an Organization Admin have?
- Edit an organization's label
- Assign other organization admins
- Manage billing.
- Delete an organization
- Create workspaces under an organization
- Reorder workspaces under an organization
- Assign themselves to any workspace under their organization, which then gives them power in the workspace.
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