Pie's unique approach to projects is to drive tasks as process action steps. Therefore, we created a "pie" model that can be sliced up into phases, such as a pizza or an apple pie can be sliced up. You can either create a project from scratch or from a recipe, which is for repeatable projects.
This article will show two quick videos. The first it how to create a project from scratch and the second is how to create a project from an existing "recipe" (project template).
1) How to Video - Create Project from Scratch
- Go to the Project List page by clicking the pie icon in the left nav bar.
- Click the Create Project button at the top of the page. This opens an overlay window.
- Enter your project name.
- Choose a workspace. A workspace is a place to group projects. (If you haven't done so yet, you might want to rename your two default workspaces to something useful.)
- Click the Create from Scratch button.
- Click the action buttons to see what you can add, such as a description, team members, etc.
- Click the Finish Creating button and this will create and open the new project.
- When your project is open, you can start creating tasks.
- Once your project is open, you can click the left nav bar apple pie icon to bring you back to the Project List page.
- To go back to your project configuration page, click the pencil in the upper right of the open project page. Or, if you're on the project list page, click the pencil to the right of the project name.
2) How to Video — Create Project from a Recipe
- Go to the Project List page by clicking the pie icon in the left nav bar.
- Click the Create Project button. This opens an overlay page.
- Enter your project name.
- Choose a workspace.
- Click Create from Recipe button. This will open a view with a list of existing recipes to choose from. A recipe is like a project with tasks that is ready to copy from for your new project.
- Select one of the existing recipes. This will give you a visual image of that recipe pie with its slices. If you don't see a recipe you need from the list, then you will need to either create your project from scratch or first go to the Recipe page and create a new recipe.
- When ready, click the Create Project button and this will create and open the new project.
- When your project is open, you can start creating tasks.
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