This article will explain how to import a free recipe and how to purchase as recipe from the Pie Store.
Importing Permissions — When you import or purchase a recipe, you will be asked which workspace is your import destination. The available workspaces in your selection list will only be those where you have Recipe Admin or Workspace Admin permissions.
How-to Video - Import a free recipe
Import a free recipe steps as shown in the above video
- Go to the Pie Store.
- Find a recipe and click its bar to open its page.
- Click on the orange import button.
- If you're already a Pie member, but not logged in, it will prompt you to log in.
- If you're not a Pie member, it will prompt you to sign up for a free account.
- Then it will bring you to the import page where you would select your workspace for the import destination. Select your workspace.
- Click the import button.
- It will change the page showing a successful import.
- If you're a new first time Pie member, click the link to bring you to your new Pie account. It will land you on the Project List page. You will find a banner in the lower left where you can click to watch a how-to video or jump to the Recipe List page to find your imported recipe.
- If you're an existing Pie member, the success page will allow you to either go back to the Store home page or to jump to you new imported recipe.
How-to Video - Purchase a recipe
Purchase recipe steps as shown in the above video
- Go to the Pie Store.
- Find a recipe and click its bar to open its page.
- Click on the orange purchase button.
- If you're already a Pie member, but not logged in, it will prompt you to log in.
- If you're not a Pie member, it will prompt you to sign up for a free account.
- Then it will bring you to the import page for the purchase where you would select your workspace for the import destination. Select your workspace.
- Click the checkout button.
- This will bring up the checkout page (powered by Stripe). Enter in your credit card information and click the orange pay button.
- Once approved, it will change the page showing a successful import.
- If you're a new first time Pie member, click the link to bring you to your new Pie account. It will land you on the Project List page. You will find a banner in the lower left where you can click to watch a how-to video or jump to the Recipe List page to find your imported recipe.
- If you're an existing Pie member, the success page will allow you to either go back to the Store home page or to jump to you new imported recipe.
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