This article is to help you set up the project's start and end boundary dates, which are set in the project's Configuration page.
How to find the Configuration page:
- Go to the project's Configuration page — If you are on the Project List page, click the pencil icon to the right of the project name. If you are in an open project page, click the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the page.
- Click on the calendar icons to the right of "Project Boundary Dates:" to set the project's start and end dates as shown in the screenshot below.
A project that already have tasks with dates automatically sets the project's start and end dates.
Pie will automatically set the project's start date from the task in the project with the earliest task start date and from the task in the project with the latest task due date.
You can override the default dates by just changing the dates Project Boundary Dates from this Configuration page. Once you override them, then your start and end boundary dates will remain static. If you clear those dates using the calendar popup "clear" button, Pie will revert the dates back to the earliest and latest task dates.
The project's boundary dates are needed if you want to have your project show up on the Portfolio Timeline report page.
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